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The Roses of No Man's Land
JACKSON Miss Florence Violet, Orderly 9-Feb-18 2-Jan-19
JACKSON Miss Winnie Spence Goodwin, Orderly 25-Oct-18 3-Jan-19
JAMIESON Miss Anna Louise, Orderly and Cook 3-Oct-16 7-Jan-19
JAMESON Miss Annie, Orderly 10-Jul-18 16-Dec-18
JEFFERY Miss Mabel E., Nurse 27-Mar-15 1-Mar-16
JEKYLL Miss Rhoda, Nurse 13-Dec-16 13-Jun-17
JEREMIAH Miss Gertrude, Nurse 27-Aug-18 12-Dec-18
JOHNSON Miss Barbara, Orderly 16-Jan-18 17-Jul-18
JOHNSTONE Miss Margaret Barbara Duncan, Orderly 16-Mar-17 1-Jul-18
JONES Mrs Gladys Maud Ellen, Nurse 23-Apr-18 18-Oct-18
JONES Miss Katherine M. C. Lloyd, Maid 1-Feb-15 1-Aug-15
JOYCE Miss M., Doctor 1-Aug-15 1-Aug-15 (Sometime in August 1915 only)
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